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Hernan De Solminihac

Member Infrastructure Advisory Committee

Dr. De Solminihac joined the Government of Chile as the Minister of Public Works in 2010 for the first administration of Mr. Piñera. Then, in July 2011, he was named Minister of Mining. He has served as chairman of the board for Dictuc, the Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) and the National Mining Company. He currently serves as director of the Department of Engineering and Construction Management and Planning of the Latin American Center for Economic and Social Policies (Clapes) at Universidad Católica. He was also Director of the Infrastructure Policy Council (CPI), advisor to the MOP at the Chacao Bridge project, and a member of the Chilean Academy of Engineering. Mr. De Solminihac holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Universidad Católica de Chile, where he is also an academic, researcher, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. He holds a PhD and MS from the University of Texas (Austin).